Asfaldisegamisseadmete riiklik kutseoskuste koolitusklass (Wuxi jaam) avatseremoonia
In order to assist Wuxi Xuetao users to improve the practical operation, maintenance and management level of asphalt mixing equipment, cooperate with the cultivation of asfaldisegamise tehnilisi andeid of each user unit, and thank each user unit for their companionship and support for us over the years.At the beginning of the New Year, the twelfth National vocational skills Training Class (Wuxi Station) of asphalt mixing Equipment of WUXI XUETAO GROUP CO.,LTD, which was suspended for three years due to the epidemic, officially opened on January 3, 2024.More than 100 people from all over the country who use our Wuxi Xuetao asphalt mixing equipment operation technology and management personnel participated in the training.
At 8:30 am on January 3, 2024, the class opening ceremony was successfully held in Wuxi Junle Hotel. Zhang Hua, Vice chairman and general manager of the Group, attended and made a speech to mobilize the class opening.
The training period is 6 days, Wuxi Xuetao arranged senior trainers to teach and explain. The course will be taught by combining theory and practice, not only explaining the basic knowledge of asfaldi segamise seadmeddetailselt, aga ka kohapeal vastates erinevatele varustuse kasutamise probleemidele, eelkõige taaskasutusseadmete kasutamise oskustele. Selle õppe kaudu laseme õpilastel omandada seadmete kasutamise ja hooldamise oskused. Kursuse lõpus viiakse läbi koolitus ja hindamine ning kvalifitseeritud kandidaatidele väljastatakse riiklikult tunnustatud kutsekvalifikatsiooni tunnistused.
Aitame klientidel täielikult parandada tehnilise personali ärivõimet ja taset, eriti klientide jaoks, et pakkuda tugevat talentide turvalisust ja intellektuaalset tuge kvaliteetseks arendamiseks. Uskuge Wuxi Xuetaod, me pole mitte ainult tarnijaasfaldi segamise seadmed, aga ka teie usaldusväärset, sooja, vastutustundlikku partnerit!Let's move forward hand in hand and write our own legend together!
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